Real Retouching A Professional Step-by-Step Guide - От безукоризненных глянцевых страниц журнала до огромных изображений на рекламных щитах, образ ретуши стал ключевым компонентом мира цифровой фотографии, настолько популярным, что сам процесс ретуши получил собственный глагол, как мы часто спрашиваем себя: "Интересно, если этот образ был Photoshopped?" Отличные навыки ретуши имеют решающее значение для успеха в области обработки цифровых изображений. В этой книге[cutline] представлены чёткие, шаг за шагом инструкции, и вы узнаете, как сделать реальную ретушь от начала до конца, в том числе рассматривается каждый технический шаг на этом пути.
From the perfect glossy pages of a magazine to the larger-than-life images floating on a billboard in the sky, image retouching has become a key component of today's digital photography world.
So popular, in fact, that the sheer act of retouching has become its own verb as we often ask ourselves, "I wonder if this image was Photoshopped?" Sometimes controversial but widely accepted, and even expected, excellent retouching skills are crucial to finding success in the field of digital imaging.
As you work through the clear step-by-step instructions in the book using the images provided on the bonus CD, you'll learn how to do real retouching jobs from start to finish, including each and every technical step along the way. You'll also get behind the scenes advice for talking to clients and establishing a workflow to ensure that your client gets the results they are looking for. If you're a student or aspiring professional just starting out in the world of retouching, the information found in this book can help you find work in the advertising/retouching industry. If you're already a working photographer, you'll be able to add retouching to your repertoire as an additional offering to your clients. Carrie Beene is a professional retoucher and educator who has worked with some of the world's most prestigious companies, including Revlon, MAC, and L'Oreal, and has contributed imagery to such renowned publications as the New York Times, Sports Illustrated, and Vanity Fair. In this excellent new book, she'll share the techniques she has learned and developed over the years to help you navigate the often mysterious world of image retouching.
Название: Real Retouching: A Professional Step-by-Step Guide
Год выпуска: 2011
Издательство: Focal Press; 1 edition
Автор: Carrie Beene.
Язык: English
Страниц: 224
Качество: Хорошее
Формат: PDF
Размер: 17,40 MB
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Скачать Real Retouching: A Professional Step-by-Step Guide / Реальная ретушь: Шаг за шагом, профессиональное с Одним файлом
Скачать Real Retouching: A Professional Step-by-Step Guide / Реальная ретушь: Шаг за шагом, профессиональное с Одним файлом