01. Asymetric80 - In the Deepest (In the Deepest) [06:11] 02. Dark Vektor - The Program (The Program) [07:55] 03. Israel Padilla - Zona Exterior Segura (Zona Exterior Segura) [07:38] 04. Le Chocolat Noir - Dali (Dali) [03:10] 05. LoveTheMachine - Magdalain (Magdalain) [05:12] 06. Scannoir - Kawasupra (Kawasupra) [04:31] 07. SMforma - Morbia (Morbia) [05:10] 08. LoveTheMachine - Gagarin in Drugs (Gagarin in Drugs) [05:12] 09. No - Dry Cut (Dry Cut) [02:29] 10. Ramon Moya - Control Resistance (Control Resistance) [06:37] 11. Alqa - The Witch´S Curse (The Witch´S Curse) [05:52]