Книга, ставшая за 20 лет лидером среди руководств по аппаратной части персонального компьютера. Новое издание содержит сведения о современном "железе": процессорах Intel Core i Series и AMD, mini-ITX и DTX форм-факторах, графических картах и процессорах NVIDIA и ATI/AMD, USB 3.1, жестких дисках емкостью выше терабайта, SSD-накопителях и других новинках в области хранения информации, и многом другом.
Mueller has taught thousands of professionals in person and millions more through his books and videos—nobody knows more about keeping PCs running perfectly. Whether you’re a professional technician, a small business owner trying to save money, or a home PC enthusiast, this is the only PC hardware book you need!
The newest processors, including Intel’s latest Core i Haswell processors and AMD’s Kaveri core processors.
Everything you need to know about the latest GPU technology from NVIDIA and AMD, including developments in OpenGL, DirectX, and Mantle.
New firmware innovations like the InSyde BIOS, Back to BIOS buttons, and all the updated settings available for the newest processors and chipsets.
The latest in updated home networking standards, from blazing fast 802.11ac Wi-Fi to HomeGrid and G.hn powerline networking.
Ever larger storage, thanks to new technologies like helium-filled hard disks, shingled magnetic recording, and Cfast and XQD for flash memory.
Emerging interfaces such as mSATA, USB 3.1, and M.2
Updated coverage of building PCs from scratch—from choosing and assembling hardware through BIOS setup and troubleshooting.
Название: Upgrading and Repairing PCs
Год выпуска: 2015
Издательство: Que Publishing
Автор: Скотт Мюллер / Scott Mueller
Язык: English
Страниц: 1428
Качество: Хорошее
Формат: PDF
Размер: 73,63 Мб